Ganz-Milano custom-made suits and jackets

Our fabrics are Tasmanian merino wool super 120 - 150 and made in Biella, Italy. These carefully selected fabrics are soft and silky and differ from the so-called English cool wool fabrics, which are rough and prickly. The fabrics used are for year-round use. There are many options in fabrics, buttons and inner linings. The fabrics are already in stock, which makes delivery easier and faster. The suits themselves are made in the world famous "Tailor Valley" region of Abruzzo, Italy.

Our jacket design follows the youthful Italian "shirt shoulder" school. Ganz-Milano has developed it differently from the traditional "classic canvas", which was the dominant school in custom-made suits ten years ago. Our customers want a lightweight suit with a light inner structure and that fits the body perfectly. The inner and padding of a traditional "classic canvas" suit weigh more than the fabric of the suit. Our suits are slim fit and have a perfect cut at the shoulders, which is why the "shirt shoulder" model is created. Ganz-Milano suits also have a part of traditional craftsmanship, the stitching on the collars and sleeves is hand-sewn. The suits have an arm attached at a 33 degree angle; but why is that? Paolo Ganz clarified the matter and stated that only then can you drive a sports car naturally with a slim fit suit. Welcome to try on!!